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CloudStore can be configured using multiple properties-files. Many settings can be specified on multiple levels:

  • globally (per user)
  • per directory
  • per file

The more specific level can override individual settings otherwise inherited from the parent's configuration.

Every property file is optional. If it does not exist, all settings are inherited. If it does exist, only those properties contained in the file are overriden. All properties not contained in the file are still inherited. Inheritance is thus applicable on every individual property.

Creations, modifications and deletions of properties files are detected during runtime (pretty immediately). Note, that this detection is based on the files' timestamps. Since most file systems have a granularity of 1 second (some even 2) for the last-modified-timestamp, multiple modifications in the same second might not be detected.

Global configuration

The global configuration is named cloudstore.properties and it is normally located in ${user.home}/.cloudstore/ but this path might be overridden using the system property cloudstore.configDir.

Configuration per directory or per file

Additionally, every directory can optionally contain the following files:

  1. .cloudstore.properties
  2. cloudstore.properties
  3. .${anyFileName}.cloudstore.properties
  4. ${anyFileName}.cloudstore.properties

The files 1. and 2. are applicable to the entire directory and all sub-directories and files in it. Usually, on GNU/Linux people will prefer 1., but when using Windows, files starting with a "." are sometimes a bit hard to deal with. Therefore, we support both. The file 2. overrides the settings of file 1..

The files 3. and 4. are applicable only to the file ${anyFileName}. Thus, if you want to set special behaviour for the file example.db only, you can create the file .example.db.cloudstore.properties in the same directory.

Configuration settings

The following property keys can be used to configure the behaviour of CloudStore:


This strategy controls how and when a destination file is written. There are the following possible values:

  • directAfterTransfer (default)
  • directDuringTransfer
  • replaceAfterTransfer

So, if you want to switch to the strategy replaceAfterTransfer, you have to write the following into one of the .cloudstore.properties files:

fileWriteStrategy = replaceAfterTransfer

And here's what these strategies actually mean:


Write directly into the destination file after all blocks have been transferred. During transfer, the destination file is not touched.

This strategy requires as much temporary space in the destination file system as blocks are transferred: The maximum total space requirement is thus twice the file size (old file + all blocks).

This is the default strategy (since CloudStore version 0.9.3).


Write each block directly into the destination file immediately when it was transferred. Don't wait for all other blocks.

In contrast to directAfterTransfer this may leave the destination file in an inconsistent state for hours or even days - as long as the transfer takes.

However, this strategy requires the least space in the file system: Only once the file size. There are no temporary files involved and thus no additional temporary space is required.


Similar to directAfterTransfer, but write a new file and then switch the files (delete the old file and rename the new file).

This strategy is the safest concerning consistency, but requires the most temporary space in the destination file system: The maximum total space requirement is a bit more than twice the file size (old file + blocks not yet written to new file + partial new file). Because the blocks are immediately deleted when written to the (partial) new file and the new file is growing while blocks are deleted (it doesn't have the final size immediately), the required space is not 3 times the size, but - as said - only a bit more than twice the size.
